Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Banksy Graffiti

These two images are done by a famous graffiti artist named Banksy. The name Banksy is just an alias which the artist goes by. Much of his artwork revolves around humor, anti-war, and anti-capitalism ideals. He does not sell any of his graffiti works as photos. His artwork is seen all over the world, not just the UK. Some locations he has used are New Orleans and Israel. Much of his artwork has recieved criticism from society. London officials have stated in some of his works, that he has no more right to make graffiti than child and evidently, his art work has been removed from buildings. Two notable pieces were done in UK Zoos, one being a penguin enclosure and the other an elephant one. Much of his grafitti art has been painted over by other artist, who want to deface the work or by cities who do not like to see graffiti in general. This first image is of a naked man, it has painted on a wall of a sexual health clinic. This one of the few that has been allowed to remain. This one was allowed to remain because it was deemed public art rather than graffiti. The other image features a girl holding ballons and floating away from the ground. This images in my opinion are more public art and should not be taken down. After looking at his art, the only images i can see being taken down would be the ones that depict the message of ant-war, and anti-capitalism because it does not sit well with public officials.

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