Monday, April 26, 2010

Pollution visual metaphor

This image is a visual metaphor for water pollution. It specifically depicts water pollution with many examples: The fish are in the forms of bottles and cans. The water has the color of green instead of the normal blue. There is also trash on the sea floor, tires, the crabs are in the form of batteries, and the coral is in the form of newspaper and other metal materials. This images just amplifies the problem of water pollution and how it has it is impacting our wildlife. The artist uses the bottles and cans to depict the fish because by polluting the waters, we are destroying the habitats of other animals. We are causing harm to their lively hood. The effect of artist creating images of societal problems can only help the world out. It helps bring it to our attention that their is a problem and we need to done something about it, in hopes of ending the damage that we have caused. We can think of it in these terms. What if there was some outside source dumping their trash into our living space. How would we feel about it? I think that every one of us would be pretty upset by the actions of this outside source and we would want them to stop. With that in mind, we should be respectful of the other ecosystems around us and stop dumping our trash were we feel like it. This goes for not just water pollution, but all pollution in general. To give some credit, there have been measures in recent history to limit pollution.

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