Monday, March 29, 2010


There have been many propaganda tactics that have been used during war and throughout history. Ranging from Rosie the riveter trying to get women to become more apart the war effort during WWII all the way to the the standard Uncle Same army recruiting poster seeking the enlistment of young men.

This Navy recruitment poster has the same effect as the Uncle Same poster. It was seeking the help of young men to sail the seas and working on ships. These ships ranged from the same U-boats all the way to the giant battleships. The is a similar relation in between the strong sailor and the big typeface of "Man the Guns". If the type face was small, it wouldn't have been as effective when it comes to getting it point across. The illustration has the meaning that you were going to have a good build, while at the same time, you will be able to serve your country. Every man that had been recruited into the Navy had the idea that he would be using guns and would be seeing some action whether it was firing a rifle or the big guns on the battleships. However, that was not always the case, as some men were regulated to janitorial duties or cooking meals. There were thousands to millions of men that ended up serving in all branches of the military such as the Navy, Army, National Guard and Marines. These recruiting posters helped gain the attention of these young men and help toward the war effort, and eventually win the war.

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